“Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is you-er than you.”

- Horton Hears a Who, Dr. Seuss

Caitlin Erdman, PhD, LP, HSP

Pronouns: She, Her, Hers

I obtained my PhD in Counseling Psychology from Iowa State University in 2018 and completed my pre-doctoral internship at Michigan State University. I had my son in 2019 and became a fully Licensed Psychologist later that year. I participate in ongoing continuing education with the belief that the minute I think I know everything, I need to retire from this profession.

While I may be an expert in some areas, you are an expert in your life. We can use our collective expertise to shift how your life is progressing and make noticeable changes through awareness-building, relationship development, and interpersonal feedback.

Treatment Approaches

The treatment approaches I most commonly use are Interpersonal Process Therapy, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, and Mindfulness-Based Therapy. I believe most issues stem from struggles in interpersonal relationships, skills deficits, and being too focused on the past or future. I do this work through multicultural and feminist lenses, and will help you integrate multiple facets of your life. Additionally, as my primary specialty is trauma, I take a trauma-informed approach to all my clients. This includes aspects such as attending to power dynamics, using compassionate language, and developing an environment of safety and trust.

My therapy style operates on a few core values while using empirically-supported treatments. If you choose to move forward with me, you will find that I attempt to be the most genuine, transparent, and authentic clinician I can while maintaining professional boundaries. I believe I am here to work myself out of a job. Because of that, I will cue you in on what I am doing clinically and why, as well as elicit feedback from you on what seems to be working and what has fallen flat.

Do I sound like a good fit?