“Authenticity is the daily practice of letting go of who we're supposed to be and embracing who we are.”

- Brené Brown

In graduate school, I worked in a lab for 6 years that specialized in identity development, so this area has a special place in my heart. I think we are all works in progress and the more we know about ourselves and our world-views, the more adaptive and capable we become. I often use the metaphor of flowers when talking about identities, as they require certain nutrients and care in order to blossom and bloom. If flowers don’t get enough sun, if the nutrients in the soil are off, or if they don’t have enough water, they are not going to grow to their full potential. The same can be said for different aspects of our identities. Through your work with me, we can find the right balance to help foster aspects of yourself that have been undernourished and help you to lead a more genuine and authentic life.